Summary of the project

In 2018 we want to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the World War 1. Our children from 10 - 12 years old of this partnership want a safer and peaceful world. We want to increase cultural and
linguistic awareness as a driver for social inclusion and educational achievement. By working together, learning from each other, sharing expertise and methodologies we want to share teaching
skills. Learning through sport, ICT and art provides excellent alternative and motivated stimulation to recognise and celebrate "differences". We want to share and to announce the ideas and methodology of restorative practices. The need to restore good relationships when there has been conflict or harm; and develop a school ethos, policies and procedures that reduce the possibilities of conflict and harm.
Sharing these ideas is also a topic for the staff so they learn to encourage and work out an opinion and methodology how to implementing 'restorative practices' in there schools and curriculum.
Children mount exhibitions, present there future in a art language everybody understands. Skype meetings class to class and teacher face to face reduce language and cultural barriers. Celebrating diversity and working with local communities as well as school staff to increase awareness and uphold social justice and inclusion for all. By following training sessions organized by a professional organization with experience on that topic, we can work out a strategy how to prevent exclusion from social structures and school interventions. By understanding history and making it relevant to our local communities, children lead the way to a united world. Innovation, transfered good practice, new skills, experience and new technologies will be incorporated into the general curriculum of the partner establishments. ICT teaching techniques and support activities during the classroom activities will be tried out and evaluated bij staff and specialists. Visiting cities and learn about history and culture will open there minds and be aware of social inclusion and diversity.
54 children and 18 staff take part in mobilities to Belgium, France, UK or Germany, they learn about school life, culture and learn about local history to stimulate child's natural curiosity about other lands and other culture. A website will show all activities, evaluations and reports. An etwinning project share photos and webtools used during the project. A photo art book will be published to sell and a story book with reference to restorative practices can be used in schools who want to implementing the idea of restore.